I wanted to give a couple updates regarding Fundraising!
The Double Good Fundraiser has been successful thus far. I am projecting a take home for the org of maybe 7k. Continue to encourage your players and parents to push it.
There will be a 2nd group fundraiser for Triangle Hoagies on 9/4-9/11. So far I have cheerleaders who will be participating and some of the football teams:Braves and Indians. This fundraiser is another opportunity for those who did not want to sell popcorn an opportunity to raise their $250 amount and for the banquet gifts. The Indians would like to use for gifts after their fundraising amount has been fulfilled.
I wanted to bring this to the board and get your vote. Could I purchase 2 gift cards out of the funds we fundraise to gift the 2 top sellers for popcorn (1 card) and hoagies (1 card)?
Please give your opinion and vote below.
I should be at the field tonight.
Excuse any typos
Either way- I am ok with $100.
I just don’t want to cause any confusion, etc.
But these are great for my takeaways for the 2023 season of what can be done differently as a board for 2024